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13 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Well I think the preloader needs to be a bit more obvious that is a preloader...but I'm just a noob I guess...

Well the art style is really fantastic. The animation though is a bit stiff, but that's actually okay so long as you make the animation more dynamic. If you have lots of interesting shots and imagery to go with the music it won't seem like I'm watching a "still" picture. It's difficult for me to explain but I guess to sum it up, if you're going to rely mostly on motion tweens for animating, make sure you have a variety of them. Don't do long takes either, change it up.

Good luck! Hope this was helpful!

cuddlesthemighty responds:

very helpful thanks a lot. LOL about the pre-loader...

A side from what you already said you need to do in your description, you need to put more effort into the delivery of your joke. This could of been funnier if you built it up a bit more like having the stomach rumble a bit and then she stagger around and then suddenly just expand into a fatty.

Just work on your delivery of the joke and the overall quality and you'll be better for it!

dane450 responds:

:> thanks for the help. 002 will deliver of a joke :>

Not bad, I think if you executed the pun of the joke better this would have done more than just a slight chuckle. Next time I recommend the "show don't tell" method. For example, instead of just saying the romance is better than Twilight, you could have Edward looking at them awkwardly crying and then saying that This was better than Twilight. You can probably come up with a better way than I just explained but I just wanted to illustrate my point. Good luck on your next one!

OMK123 responds:

Thanks mate !

Squeak Squeak...BUCKAW!

PLOP!...That was truly awesome and innovative!

Graeme responds:

Plop? Ew.
I'm actually surprised now that nobody had the eagle dumping on someone

good. but...

Why does it feel like im watching "The real legend of Zelda"? I want to say it was funny and i admit i chuckled. But it was just too similar to TRLOZ. Im sure the sequel will set itself apart from that. overall it was alright! =3

PlatformSource responds:

yeah i wanted that feeling, :) glad i did it, but yes the sequil wont have the real legend feeling.. :)

Alright...but some problems.

Some of the stuff was nice but there is a glitch with the sound. sometimes the music wont stop when you go back to the menu and it can overlap the others as well. I hope this helps!

Negina responds:



I will remember this!

I have a pesky beard and that sounds like the perfect solution! Oh and everything was perfect, i cant think of anything you can improve on! So keep it up!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Truely. I wouldn't personally say everything was perfect, but it was pretty good in any case. Thanks for the review!

Two Great sprite movies in one!! Excellent!

Both of those movies were just incredible! Can't wait to see more

Mini-Speed1 responds:

You'll see more lol!

Another great drawing!

You are doing a good job! But a word of advice, you need to step up your game a little more. You dont want to be called stale or old or something along that line! Try doing a larger scale picture wether that means a large pic or a pic with a bunch of characters. I tell you this as an artist talking to another artist, Im no where near as good as you but I do speak from experience when it comes to this sort of thing! Keep up the amazing art work!

DrSkippy responds:

I am currently working on a big one. But as i am sunburnt and have a job interview tomorrow i can't get on it just yet. But trust me when i get the big one done. you will know. XD

[there is nothing here other than this text]

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